Monday, May 5, 2014


Dear Shaklee Lovers!

Segera dapatkan promo terbaik untuk bulan ini! jangan sampai kehabisan. Ayo siapa yang kemarin kehabisan promo OmegaGuard nya??

Untuk Bulan May ini, Alfalfa Complex dan GLA Complex, setiap beli 3 botol langsung gratis 1 botol lagi..!! great Promo!!!

Apakah Manfaat Utama dari Alfalfa ?

(1) Terkenal untuk merawat 3 A:
• Arthritis
• Asthma
• Allergy

(2) Berkhasiat untuk membantu masalah:
• Penyakit Usus (Colon disorder)
• Ginjal
• Diabetes
• Menyehatkan  usus
• Ulcer
• Fluid retention (sembab)
• Kurang selera makan

(3) Terdapat 8 enzim yang berfungsi untuk :
• Radang
• Pencernaan
• Flatulence
• Abdominal discomfort dikalangan orang dewasa

(4) Memiliki kandungan Klorofil yang sangat tinggi , yang dapat membantu masalah
• Gastrik
• Penyakit kulit (Eczema)
• Kurang darah (Anemia)
• Sembelit
• Badan, nafas dan kaki berbau

(5) promotes pituitary gland function
(6) menetralkan asam dalam tubuh (Alkalize s the body and detorities the body especially the liver)
(7) Merawat masalah keputihan pada wanita. Sifatnya yang mengandung phytoestrogens juga menyebabkan ia memiliki fungsi seperti kacip Fatimah, maka, membantu dalam "hubungan" suami istri (enhance libido). Bahkan, ada juga yang mengaitkannya dengan membantu pembesaran payudara. Memang sangat bagus dikonsumsi  olehwanita & para istri.

(8) As a galactagouge. Bagus dikonsumsi oleh  ibu menyusui, karena ia meransang dan menambah produksi ASI.
Key Benefits:
#A Trusted Traditional Herbs – Borage is the favourite herbs of Westerner. It treats ulcer, removes virus, alleviates fatigue, clears phlegm, relieves nerve numbness and increase body stamina.
#Regulate Oestrogen and Testosterone – GLA forms prostaglandins to regulate hormones in men and women, improves PMS symptoms such as pains, aches, acne, mood swing, water retention and tender breasts.
#Delay Menopause – Improves menopause conditions such as hot flashes, insomnia, indigestion, depression. Long term consumption will delay ageing, tighten and tone uterus wall to attain youthful skin.
#Improves Prostatomegaly – GLA improves men’s prostate and frequent urination problems.
#Fights Cancer – GLA is an anti-oxidant that increase body’s immune system, prevents the growing of tumour and cancer cells.
#Improves Skin Inflammation – It reduces skin inflammation, eczema, allergies, itchiness, dry-skin, improves age spot, tinea, ringworm. It also relieves pains and swelling arised from minor rheumatism, arthritis.
#Prevents Diabetes Complications – Lower blood sugar, effective for diabetes during pregnancy and old age. Relieves numbness and aches caused by high blood sugar.
Slimming and Prevents Weight Gain – Lower LDL cholesterol, effectively prevents overweight, tone skin and muscles gradually for ladies to attain curvy figure, prevents weight gain. Take on empty stomach to suppress hyperacidity.
Prevents High Blood Pressure – Prevents blood clot, stimulates blood circulation, expansion of blood vessel, improves high blood pressure, prevents heart problems such as arteriosclerosis and myocardial infarction.
#Improves Hair Texture – Improves dry hair and hair loss conditions.
#Hyperactive and Autism (ADD/ADHD) – Clinically proven that GLA and fish oil improve children with autism, difficulty to study and hyperactive.
GLA Is Not Only For Women
A lot of people have the misconception that GLA is only for women. In actual fact, GLA supplements linoleic acid which same as essential amino acids cannot be manufactured by human body, thus need to obtain from food intake. It is important for children (cut open the soft gel to empty the liquid and mix with any food)., growing teens, adult and even after menopause and andropause (male menopause).
Utk konsultasi & pemesanan, segera hubungi:
Pin BB: 7CB45C98

* Produk ini bukan bertujuan untuk mendiagnosa, merawat,menyembuhkan atau mencegah segala penyakit.
* Tingkat ke-efektifan vitamin mungkin berbeda untuk setiap orang.

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